domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017

Renewable Natural Resources

In this entry, we are going to learn about Earth Natural Resources. We will see some examples and the benefits people get from them. 

Earth is our home. We use things on Earth to help us live. A resource is something we can use. Natural resources come from Nature; this means that they are not created by humans. People use and modify natural resources in ways that are beneficial to them. Examples of natural resources are air, water, sun, plants and animals, rocks and soil. 

There are two types of natural resources: renewable and non-renewable. Renewable resources are any natural resources that can be used by people and be replaced. For example, we use tomatoes. We use tomatoes to make food. Tomatoes come from a plant that can grow back and produce more tomatoes. On the other hand, natural resources that cannot be replaced once they have been used are called non-renewable. An example of it is petroleum, once it leaves the ground, we cannot put it back or grow more. Even when we cannot replace non-renewable resources, we can recycle some things and use them again. 

Now we are going to focus on seven renewable resources that are commonly used on daily basis. 

We breathe air. Wind is moving air. We need air to live. That is why it is important to keep it clean by driving less or by planting trees. What benefit can we get from air? For example, a wind farm changes wind into useful energy. Energy gives light and heat to homes. 

Water is another natural resource. We use water in many ways. We use water to drink, cook, water plants and wash. Water is indeed a very useful resource. Who needs water? We all do! Most plants and animals need water as well. Plants and animals would not be able to survive without water and this would affect people too. In fact, we need water to stay healthy. We also need water for fun activities such as swimming or travelling by ship. 

Where can we find water? We can find water in streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. 71% of Earth is covered with water. The water in the streams, rivers and lakes is fresh, but the water in the oceans is salty. Most of Earth’s water is in oceans. It is crucial to protect water and keep it clean by using less of it for baths and showers and by not putting trash in water. 

Sun is a very important natural resource that gives off heat and light. We need heat to keep us warm and help plants grow. The light from the sun gives off energy that provides food for plants and for all living things on Earth. 

Plants and animals are natural resources too. Trees are very important because they give off oxygen which is necessary for life. We get food from both plants and animals. We also use them to make clothes and other things we need. For example, we make shirts from cotton. We make chairs and tables from trees. We make food from potatoes. We make a scarf to keep warm in the cold weather from a sheep’s wool. We make leather shoes from the cow’s skin. We make cheese and butter from a cow’s milk. We get meat from pigs, chickens and cows. Horses are also very beneficial because we can get around by riding them. In the past, horses were a primary means of transportation. Other animals as oxen help in farming. Another animal that is relevant in people’s nutrition is the hen. We get eggs from a hen. Plants and animals are very important resources because we greatly benefit from them. Imagine if we could not get eggs from hens! We would not be able to make delicious dishes or desserts. 

Another example of a natural resource is “rocks”. A rock is a hard nonliving object from the ground. We use rocks to build things. We can build houses, streets, bridges, etc. Rocks may be different color and shapes. Rocks may be big or small. Color, shape and size are properties of rocks. A property is one part of what something is like. Have you ever noticed how rocks vary in color? Some rocks may be white, others brown, grey and even green. If we talk about size, there are some that are small, but there are others that are very big. 

Soil is a natural resource, too. Soil is the top layer of Earth. We use soil to grow plants. If you have a garden outside your house, you can plant a seed in the soil for later to have a beautiful flower or even a juicy fruit. We grow food in soil. We can also use it to make things. We can make bricks out of soil. We use bricks for building. 
Soil is made up of small pieces of rock and once-living thigs. How does soil form? This is how: wind and water break down rock. Pieces of rock form the base of soil. Dead plants and animals fall to the ground. They break into bits. These pieces mix with the bits of broken rock. Soils may be different. Soils may have different colors and textures. Texture is what an object feels like. Color and texture are two properties of soil. Why are there different soil colors? The color of soil comes from the rocks and other things found in it. The size and shape of the rock pieces make different textures. Once-living things make different textures, too. Some soils are better than others for growing plants. 

So, why do we need all these natural resources? Because without them we would not be able to survive as they provide food, energy, light and all the essentials for our daily life. All living things depend on water and sun without one, the others will be useless. Keep in mind that natural resources are necessary and for this reason, we have to do everything we can to conserve our resources by taking care of Earth.

Next, you can see some pictures of the natural resources we have mentioned above:

Now, let us watch a video about  the different natural resources mentioned above:

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